Time for Almondsbury and Rudgeway to have their say on 1,600 new houses

South Gloucestershire Council have presented their new Local Housing Plan, which has identified a number of sites in Almondsbury that they feel would be suitable for housing, which in total comes to 1,640 new houses.

This includes 750 houses as part of a new ‘Garden Village’ at the Woodlands Golf Course, 400 houses on land south of Gloucester Road, 95 houses off Blackhorse Hill and 70 houses at land between Over Lane and the B4055.

A further 270 houses are proposed south of the B4055, Easter Compton and there are a few smaller proposed sites at Hortham Lane, the Paddock and off Tockington Lane. Some of these sites amount to a considerable expansion of the area, and our community needs to have our say on the proposals.

Concerns have already been raised about the pressure this amount of new housing would put on our roads, schools and our local health services.

We want to make sure that our voice is heard, that the Council listen to residents throughout Almondsbury and Rudgeway, and ensure that any housing comes with the necessary infrastructure and investment. We need your views on the plans to build new houses in Almondsbury, so we can demonstrate the community’s views clearly to decision makers at the Council.

Time for Almondsbury and Rudgeway to have their say on 1,600 new houses

  • Current Survey
  • Your details
1.Which of these statements to you feel best represents your view on the plans for over 1,640 new homes in Almondsbury:
2. Would you add your name to Luke's petition?
3. Which of the following concerns you about these proposals?
4. Do you agree that South Gloucestershire is taking more than its fair share of housing and the Council should push Bristol harder to build on more brownfield sites?
6. How did you vote in the 2019 General Election?
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On the scale of 0-10, 0 means there would be no chance of you voting for the party and 10 means you would be absolutely certain to vote for the party.

This question contains special category data relating to your political opinion that may be shared with the wider Conservative Party for the purposes of Democratic Engagement with your permission. Please only answer this question if you consent to the processing of this data and sharing it with Conservative Party. If you do not answer this question then this data will not be shared.